Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Feet of breast cancer

© Brenda Coffee. All rights reserved.

This week, I had the pleasure of meeting Taryn Rose, surgeon orthopaedic and founder of Taryn Rose shoes.In 1998, Mr. Rose has changed the footwear industry by creating a line of comfortable, yet beautiful, handcrafted shoes. I always thought "comfortable shoes" as being awkward-search or thick-soled athletic shoes orthopaedic shoes, but Taryn Rose shoes are anything but orthopaedic research.As we spoke, I suggested that she considers marketing for millions of women, like me, who have had breast cancer and the need for comfortable shoes because of peripheral neuropathy.

Simply, it means of neuropathy have been a sort of damage to peripheral nerves that control the feelings in our arms and legs. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, diabetes and alcohol, are just some things that may cause lesions nerveuses resulting from numbness or a feeling of "ants" burning, weakness that made walking painful cramps and, after a few minutes, frankly unbearable.

Not all patients with cancer develop a neuropathy and the American Society of Clinical Oncology, says much fully recover over time.While many of the symptoms that I listed are worst scenarios, don't let fear of neuropathy stop you taking your oncologist processing recommends. I was one of those who developed the neuropathy in chemotherapy. Although most of my symptoms have disappeared since, I have always sweet numbness in my fingers and toes, more it feels sometimes as electric shocks are shooting down my leg. leads me to the shoe thing.Since chemotherapy, I've brought comfortable shoes the temps.Ils helped my neuropathy, gave me better balance and made running easy. Many of these shoes were Taryn Rose.My Favorites are called Fierce and dancer.

Even without neuropathy many of us, especially us mature experience problems with our feet and can wear is Carrie Bradshaw Sex and the City shoes, or may bring them only for short periods of time.My girlfriend, Gayle, called "special event" shoes one another friend called shoes "sit and sip".J ' love this terme.Il evokes a pretty nice South with honey entered his voice that says, "why Yes .j ' would love another Julep currency... as you walk on here and bring to me!"

Can you imagine Carrie Bradshaw with neuropathy? in the next sex and the City movie, I think Taryn Rose should be the designer shoe of choice. (After all, last season ended with the revelation of Samantha, she had cancer of the breast.Because Samantha character was always so immediate on everything, it say on "something shoe" and sing the praises of Taryn Rose.

Donc Taryn, Samantha - throughout the world the breast cancer women-perhaps you can give your next line of shoes as strength, Survivor and four girls and one.

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