Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Vitamin D and Breast Cancer Controversy

© Brenda Coffee.  All rights reserved.

Did you know that the main purpose of vitamin D is to maintain required calcium to keep our segments strong? or did you know vitamin D peuvent or can't, have a relationship to the breast?For women with and without breast cancer, the controversy of vitamin D is a énigme.Nous we need more information.

To begin, in a 2008 study reported by the American Cancer Institute, women with the lowest of vitamin D in their diagnosis of cancer of the breast, levels had almost double the risk of their disease progresses, compared to women with "adequate" level of vitamin d. fait that means women without breast cancer, who are interested in preventing a metastasis (should they ever get breast cancer), take vitamin D and if yes, how?

Secondly, the same study said the survival rate of women with estrogen receptor negative breast cancer, which is generally more aggressive, was not related to their vitamin D levels. Other scientists are quick to say that, although there are many published on vitamin D and its relationship with the breast cancer research, the findings are debatable.

While this study means for women who have or have not breast cancer? Many doctors ask patients if they take calcium and vitamin D, but none of your physicians have never ordered a blood test to check your level of vitamin D?What are "adequate" levels of vitamin D? Most doctors even know how much?

Here's what we know about vitamin D and breast cancer: If you take aromatase inhibitors, such as Arimidex, it is particularly important to get enough calcium and vitamin D .As stated in my oncologist, calcium works in tandem with vitamin D to prevent our OS "turn to mush."It is also important to bear in mind that too much vitamin D may be harmful, nausea, vomiting, constipation, weaknesses and causing heart rate changes.If you are over 50 years, the Mayo Clinic recommends you take IU of 400 to 600 per day, and in General, the upper limit of the vitamin D is of 2 000 IU per day.

Vitamin D in the form of pills, small amounts of vitamin D are naturally present in oily fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel, as well as certain cereals, orange juice and milk products are enriched in vitamin D therefore .for, be a smart buyer.Check labels and if you can achieve for products with added vitamin d

We know also the Sun is a natural way that our bodies to make its own d vitamine.Si, however, you do one of gene BRCA, too Sun may increase your risk of melanoma and other cancers of the peau.Même if you are not positive BRCA, long-term exposure to UV radiation can cause skin cancer, more aging. I do not expose to the Sun, as a lazy big ole lizard and justify saying, "I get my vitamin d."If you are on a sunny or cloudy day, use a sunscreen and re-apply it often.

Then there is the debate on the beds against natural light where it all stop sun tanning. ?

Find your new place

© Brenda Coffee.  All rights reserved.

Do you ever that the need to focus on something other than breast cancer , or perhaps the need to leave, even if it is somewhere imaginary? Through chemotherapy my lack of energy taken a trip to feel like a trip to another Department and chemotherapy activated brain reading cuisine in an Olympic sport. Accordingly, I have spent much time in bed or in front of the TV, watching the cooking shows and the young and the Restless, pending my energy back.Soon, I discovered new methods have mini vacation without going anywhere, destinations that help me find a strong sense of inner peace and let go of things which I have no contrôle.Une of these destinations is on the porch to the small house daybed.

Each week, I try and time, talking to God, listen to a meditation or a CD of hypnosis, or imagine me on my favorite Maya ruin that ignores the e.d. Caribbean ' other times as I leaf through magazines, Polish my toes, or simply watching squirrels scamper a member to a member.Simply being y time Zen me part of breast cancer has pushed side: the part that allows me to squash my obsessive-compulsion worrywart and makes it easier to breathe.

When the morning breeze stops and retirement squirrels imminent heat, I travel account of my flight time is absent.Comme squirrels, I find a cooling place to wait until the next time I can view my place of healing. tell me on your place of healing, or how let go you of your worries and peur.Si you have a place of healing, how will you find a?

# 8 Breast cancer surgery

I have my grandma hands

© Brenda Coffee.  All rights reserved.

A few years, Nora Ephron wrote a hilarious book titled Feel Bad about my neck.  His point was that women of a certain age look quite well except for their neck.Botox and Restylane can help us to lie on our faces, but nothing of surgery, and "is not something foutue, you can do on a neck."While I feel sad on my neck, is my hands now that have angered any attempt to conceal my age

Mine are not the same hands had two or even five ans.La skin is thinner, revealing blue veins that resemble road maps: dodues roly poly veins are super highways for nurses draw blood; as long as I can tell, small no longer add tothe appearance ruin a district when nice was délabré falleninto.  If that isn't bad enough, few lines have décapés hatches cross in my skin, make my hands look like walking maps Tic-Tac-Toe

  I don't know why it comes as a surprise my hands now resemble grandmother.  I've never moisturized pampering the or worn rubber gloves when washing Windows or cleaning pots and pans.  Quite the contrary.For years, I worked in the darkroom, sloshing my hands in caustic chemicals while making images appear as per magie.puis, there are contact lenses.I soon discovered hand lotion left Etale and the size of Saturn fingerprints, defeat the purpose of first contact lenses.So... lotion went in the manner of rubber gloves.

But if I am to be honest to the status of my hands, that is probably the lack of estrogen, more than anything which has contributed to their fall.Alors I took to their slathering with moisturizing, without parahydroxybenzoates, and their holding standing for blood flows to my elbows grace temporarily transform superhighways modest country roads, they are what they sont.Ils are my indelible maps: permanent records from which été.Je I can't that their appearance, but they are part of my new normal current.real I can say, roads get bumpier.

Good for your heart, Bad for your breasts

© Brenda Coffee.  All rights reserved.

Did you know that having drink a glass or two each day peut increase your risk of getting breast cancer by up to 51%? Did you also know that this is a not important if you speak of wine, beer or hard alcohol? They pose an increased risk. This is a huge statistics and that nags at me from time to time.This is for a glass of red wine a day because it's good for your heart u.s. ' it may be useful for your heart, it is bad for your breasts .

Since my diagnosis I ask now is there a link between alcohol and recurrence of breast cancer?My intuition says that there is a link, however, experts say not enough is known about alcohol and the breast cancer périodicité.Avant I don't think something with now, then a glass of wine or a couple of gin and invigorating. But now if I drink I wonder, will be one that triggers a recurrence of my breast cancer?

Although my oncologist said any moderation, including moderation, I am not a genre moderate the girl.I am often on one end, or the other, many given Spectra .i go for weeks without even thinking about a drink of alcohol and then, as the last night, have three Cosmopolitans.Hey it's Vegas, baby!Today, I feel terrible, partly because I rarely drink at all, as I have a hangover, and partly because I first drinks.

It seems that everything in life has an association with obtaining of breast cancer: food, water, stress, sleep, Sun, exercise, alcohol, estrogen, phytoestrogens in food and body care products, same-sex, but it of all topics for future Brenda.Presque Blogs about everything that we do in life has risks .Although we cannot avoid risk, we can educate us as to whether we are willing to take them, or completely avoid.

I have probably ask me myself, if I believe there may be a connection between alcohol and a recurrence of the breast, why drinking any if I? Alternatively, I am more react?

Good Knows our needs.

© Brenda Coffee.  All rights reserved.

  I believe that God knows our needs until we do.  Shortly after, I have been diagnosed, I was wondering if God I thought necessary breast cancer.  Would rather have had a sandwich grilled cheese or a good hair day but I thought about it and decided it was not on my duty of breast cancer.It was my relationship with God. Although I speak to God every day, there was something missing, for my part, with our relationship.

  James 4: 8 says, "draws close to God, and God would draw near you.."  I know to be true.  I felt his grace, strength and mercy.  He wants to talk about him, not only to ask for help, but to share our joy and him let know how grateful we are, even for the small things. I don't know how to get people from something like the breast without the love of God and a large church family.I cannot express what their cards and words of encouragement were meant for me .when ' they said that they were praying for me, I knew that they were.  I felt it. 

  A few months ago I was in a store, and somehow, the saleslady and exchanged stories.  I learned that her husband had cancer.Before I left, I asked him his name and said I would pray for her .Quelques days later, I have a sound card.Clearly, it had gone home and shared our conversation, what I wanted to pray for him and he told her that she had met only an Angel.These feelings are always me humble and my eyes with tears.

Everyone around me and James was our anges.Je have not known how the Minister to this woman, or have received this valuable it, card if it had not been for the gifts of love and prayer that came my way, the préalable.Donc I thank each of you for what you have given us, and what I hope somewhat small to you, Dear Sisters and I thank God for this incredible journey.

5 Tips for buying a bra after breast cancer.

Maidenform.  All rights reserved.

The only thing than buying a new pair of jeans worst is to buy a new bra. I remember when my mother took me to a store to buy my first bra. A matronly dough hands and abrupt manner salesclerk asked me to disrobe size, and then went to measure my barely there, prepubescent breasts.If this was not bad enough, my mother hovered in the fitting room door to make comments, as "bad peu.Elle got a figure as a yardstick. she can never become a decent pair of breasts ."

For most of us, breast by buying a new bra continues to be a frustrating experience, especially if we suffered various procedures of cancer. Here are a few things to keep in mind that could purchase a bra somewhat easier post breast cancer:

1 Find a bra professional installer not be embarrassed to see your breasts. bra editors have seen the good, the bad, and the laid, and what you think is bad, will probably save you five stars in your bra software.on installer weekly, BRA assemblers all see: women with three breasts - I know personally a woman with three breasts - for transsexuals who began taking hormones and are there to buy their first "training bra." So If your mastectomy can be a big deal to you, this is not an issue for your Installer.

2. You have made through the processing. you can do anything! Do not give the breast any more of your power has already affirmé.Portez your scars proudly. They have you been stronger. They are your badges of survival. You've browsed through the Valley of the shadow of death and nothing, certainly not to buy a bra, must now you intimidate .

3. No one is more critical of our bodies we are.Some worm e n, same high paid templates and cover girls have body perfect, which is usually what makes good models. They have some feature, slightly out of sync whereby, makes them distinctive.La most of us have a larger chest feet aspect that the inverted nipples, other or nipples that look like landing on a feeder of hummingbird.Combien of us sites have a perfect nose, very or fairly-shaped shell ears? The breasts are the same.No single step into a single body and fixate on elle.Nous are our feet. we are not our breasts .We are all - thinking, loving, compassionate woman and compassion begins at home, so cut yourself a break. a beautiful woman is more "spirit" as the body .

Each year 250,000 women, USA only, are diagnosed with breast cancer, with 2.5 million U.S. survivors.This leads one to seven or eight women in their lives, to receive breast cancer.Granted, we are not other talking about women who buy a bra again 2,749,999, talking about you, but chances are pretty good woman in the following editing room is also a breast cancer survivor.

Buy at least a sexy bra, even if don't have a partner who will be seen and often arms purchase .i can't tell you how many women I see to the gym which bears the same dowdy shapeless, BRA yellow grayish, what they bought five years in the recherche.Même one twenty years might look like a bag of potatoes in a bra that .j ' have a few months after my first mastectomy, I am bought a bra red velvet for Valentine and me it bear each occasion.Se rid of the notion of "record" it for good.Good is every day you are alive, so bear this beautiful bra at the grocery store.

I've dreamed I was free in my bra Maidenform cancer... and I am!

Is She Crazy, or is it Chemo Brain?

©Survivorship Media Network, LLC.  All rights reserved.

If the old adage “a picture’s worth a thousand words” istrue, I have several photos that are worthy of a book.  One of my favorite photos my friend Linda took of me theday after my last chemotherapy.There I am in all my chemo splendor, bald and glassy-eyed with 25heart-shaped red foil balloons stuffed down the back of matching red foilpants.  If that isn’t strangeenough I am naked from the waist up except fora giant pair of red silk lips duct taped to my mastectomy scar.  Plus I am wearing silver lamé tennisshoes with orange stripes.  If youthink the photo is odd you should see the attached ‘Thank You’ card I made togo with it.  It's atleast worth a referral to a good shrink.

On the front of each card I stamped red balloons then useda heat gun to emboss them with red glitter and wrote “Bubbles was the daughterof a famous circus clown.  ButBubbles didn’t want to join the circus…”When you opened the card there was the photo of “Bubbles” in her best chemo cheerleader pose, and at the bottom itsaid “Bubbles didn’t want to join the circus.  She wanted to be a Las Vegasshowgirl!”


At the time I thought the card was the highlight of mycreative endeavors.  Now I wonderwhat my friend Linda must have thought when I opened the door dressedas Bubbles.  She must have stifled the urge to scream, run down the driveway andholler for help.  If she thoughtI’d lost my mind, she didn’t let on a thing, acting as if this was acommonplace occurrence when you knocked on a sick friend’s door.  To make matters worse, I tried to explain…  But where does one start, especially when you have had eightrounds of chemotherapy under your belt--or lips?


As “Bubbles” babbled on,Linda may have pieced together balloons, an end of chemo party the nightbefore, shoes bought under the influence of chemobrain and "they’ll look great with the right outfit.” 


I have the most wonderful friends.  When faced with a crazy lady,they smiled and took me in stride, ignoring that I paid $500 for shoes that areso not me.  (If you assume that’s true you must be wondering how Ijust happened to have those red foil pants.Another story.)  My friendsdid not look at me askance when I found “the rightoutfit,” but instead, lovingly supported and cheered me on.  Chemo brain is frightening, annoying andfunny, all at the same time, and not just for those of us who have it, but foreveryone who loves us.

Hypnosis and breast cancer.

If there is a way to transform something negligible as a major source of concern, I find it. With precision laser - like that I can turn a simple stage IV melanoma blackhead, while with a likely candidate to be next woman list bulldozing of James, all in time to examine the imperfections in question in the light of the best. As my mother, I am a worrywart champion, but unlike my mother, I work hard to deal with my concern sometimes paralyzing. How, you ask? Hypnosis.

I love hypnosis. more than 20 years, hypnosis has helped me relieve a lot of my fears and anxiety. It helped me to death, disease and dread.Not conducted by a certified clinical hypnotherapist, hypnosis bares no resemblance to stage the performers who obtain volunteers of the audience to believe that they were abducted by aliens from the planet Zeon.Simplement, real hypnosis keeps your mind occupied for a certified hypnotherapist awareness speaks to your unconscious mind of questions you want address. anytime you have free will. Your unconscious knows that you can manage and what is in your interest.Nobody does will you do everything that you do not want to do while you are unconscious hypnose.Votre will not let them.

Hypnosis works for the most part, everyone and can reduce the fear, anxiety, even sleep problems and hot flashes , but it is particularly effective for cancer patients newly diagnosed, survivors and those with the réapparition.Avant the mastectomies and surgical reconstruction and before and after each of my chemotherapies, I used hypnosis. The psychologist that use has been recommended by my family doctor and is affiliated with a local hospital. make sure that you're dealing only with someone who is certified and experienced in hypnosis.Our sessions we talk about my concerns, if it is the duration of surgery, anaesthesia, my recovery, etc., then it inserts a cassette tape into a recorder and we began the process of hypnosis. At the end of each session my doctor gives me the cassette tape that we made in his Office, so I can listen to as often as I want.

After one of my breast cancer surgeries, the anesthesiologist stopped by my room to tell me that it does not have to manage as many anesthesia as he had planned to keep me at the required surgeon.The anesthesiologist has been very surprised by cette.Je told it not, I've been surprised because I had been listening to a tape of hypnosis custom daily for two weeks .the band said my body would begin to relax on a skeletal and muscular level and should produce its own pain suppressors, keep me as having anesthesia and for faster recovery post-surgical .the ' agreed anesthesiologist hypnosis had done both of these things, for me, and he wanted more people could benefit from hypnosis. , I never took any after one of my eight surgeries pain meds and I never was never nauseated after one of my eight chemotherapies.

To find a hypnotherapist accredited in your region, removing American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, more watch mind & BODY videos on

Live life with breast cancer.

© Brenda Coffee.  All rights reserved.
Eight days after my first mastectomy
and went to a concert in outdoor Sting where heat index was 110 degrees. I wore white linen and my Turkey-drains basters that strained pipe rubber, surgically attached to where was my chest.
my small friends

Our seats were in the last ligne.De rear it might have been lip syncing Sting songs for all we knew Carrot Top. As I looked around for thousands of women in public, I could not shake that statistically thought one of eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her life .I have studied adolescents, women in their 20s 1930s, 40 years and the 1950s, all the time to think "she has and does not know it.""It will faire.Elle had it.".Breast cancer. unspoken fear we all host deep in.Fear that will change our lives forever.

I also thought that if each of these knowledge women my bandages and Turkey basters - where a week ago my right chest had been - many would not have consented with me: currently, life gets not any better than this. I was living.I was there with my two best friends, singing and clapping as my world had been condensed on a slide hospital pathology.Fifty years smeared on a piece of two-inch long glass and three-quarters of a large, inch my card member for breast cancer and four girls.

I was struck with the desire to hug each of these women and tell them to keep singing; keep laughing; keep living, to extract the each time the things you want rappeler.Les apprécier.Ils chérissent.Ils to flout. live your life with joy.Do deliberately and intentionally. "Tomorrow is promised in person."

The benefits, side effects and respond with Arimidex

© Brenda Coffee.  All rights reserved.

Arimidex is one of the weapons of choice for positive estrogen, postmenopausal women in the war against the recurrence of breast cancer. The 100-month trial, presented ATAC of the San Antonio Breast Cancer, 2007 Symposium showed by the judgment or inhibiting the production of estrogens .Arimidex showed superior to tamoxifen .As with most drugs, Arimidex shipped with possible side effects but much less that tamoxifen. side effects that receive the most complaints are hot flashes, joint pain and bone loss.Curiously enough exercise is the factor that go very far to mitigate all three complaints .

 My friend Sarah and take Arimidex : Sarah during three years; me, four and a half years. Sarah does nothing to prevent the recurrence of the as a nutritious diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, avoiding sugar and alcohol, limiting the red meat, proactive ways to deal with constraints or exercising. Sarah suffers from hot flashes, joint pain and bone loss.  

I am obsessive-compulsion and do everything which precedes or worry why I step. something that I am faithful to what is the year - walking, weight, yoga - a nd if for some reason, I do, my joints ache as I have severe arthritis.I made this correlation shortly after I started Arimidex.Other OS loss and vaginal dryness, minors whose my oncologist said will improve after I stop Arimidex in six months, I have no debilitating side effects .

I have disabled suggesting Sarah go to the gymnase.Je understand his aversion to .the year ago days, I'd rather anything other than the exercise, then I think the "R" Word. recurrence . Is that when I turn procrastination on his head and say, ", I'd rather than die of cancer of the breast." You'd be surprised speed motivates my behind the door and the way to an intense walk.

There is no need to spend our time speculating about who will be, and will not have a recurrence, because nobody knows really. Sarah will probably live be a 105, and I will die not cancer, breast, but hair dog.They are everywhere in my house, and I let them wherever I'll .j ' imagine only hair dog flew how disable my jacket that I've sailed down the Alaska zip line.

New to the Blogs of breast cancer?

© Brenda Coffee.  All rights reserved.

There are oodles of blogs on the Internet in the form of a journal breast cancer or personal memories of the Chronicle journeys of cancer of the breast. blogger some blogs are supposed, incisor and Merry with philosophical reflections on life and include useful to face treatments. tidbits other blogs are written by women panicked to view the world as a glass half empty .It is comforting to know others know the same difficult things that you, these blogs are depressing.

If you are newly diagnosed or recurrence, battling it is easy to relate to bloggers who have exceeded with their situation and in detail their ache, pain and fear . When reading a constant power tales of horrible cancer - mental, physical and psychological - can give you a sense of community, it will not help you to remain in the spirit of right to combat breast cancer .

Even if I'm five years from my diagnosis and I am not in middle of chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, I remember this moment was like. Every second of every day, I've thought about or not I would die .It has no importance if I was watching television or listening to my husband describe its day; my impending mortality was still there, as the stable shots of my coeur.Pour the first year and a half I went in life this way. After my worries backed up until I was only thinking die every few hours.Little things like buying a coat on sale, winter made me me asked if I even here would be the next winter he wear.

Last month, I've had my healthy breast reconstruction prophylactic and was given a clean bill santé.Maintenant I think only die each...I am serious? died of breast cancer through my mind every week.I did fixate on what I used to but I am fighting the dark side to exit this cookie on the plate or wants to achieve, the mortality factor still cache in the back of my mind.As "stuff" you want to clean up the Cabinet, whether you open the door, you know that this is, awaits you.

As a member of the four girls and breast cancer we must use every tool we can kick cancer on the sidewalk and erase negative thoughts of our spirit. ".""Thoughts are things" as my mother likes to me the rappeler.Ne not give these half empty glasses while more energy than they déjà.Je'm not naive enough to think that we can do that 50 or even 2 5 percent of the time but please, resist the urge to read negative cancer blog chest s.

Friendships and cancer

©Network of survival, Media LLC.  All rights reserved.

The breast cancer has made lots of friends in my life who now hold high places of honor.People who I thought were my friends fell from yesteryear, and I leave go. it is difficult to be abandoned by old friends, but do not take personally if it you arrive.beaucoup of people do not want to "too close" to cancer, because then they will be forced to consider that this can happen for the.

Before I have been diagnosed I was the picture of health: I've eaten whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lean meat, chicken and fish, no fried foods, some fast food have water aerobic six days a week; I was a perfect size 8, received annual visits and mammograms safe, remained out of the Sun, took vitamins and I've had alcohol in moderation. a friend told me that if I, who was straight, could get breast cancer it fear him thinking about his chances of getting breast cancer.However, it does not have its enough to get a mammogram or wish me as his friend scare: it has neither - because both have obliged to look more closely at the breast cancer. Instead of this, she chose to live in the land of denial.

Another friend, a publisher of a publication, I used to write, called and asked me how I was doing? "Sensational," I told. then as if it had launched me in the gut, she says, ", I wouldn't talk if I were you.". "It has a way to come back."Thank you very much, I thought.You sure have to support someone who is struggling for their vie.Quelques weeks later, she called to ask me to write something for the next issue, and I said non.quelles are my "no" really has well-meant, "no, I don't want anything to do with you ever." From this I said politely I had my hands full future predictable but thanks for thinking of me.

In fairness to the friends and knowledge, most people don't know what to say in front of a serious disease They don't know how to provide a comfort or are afraid to tell the bad chose.partir when I have been diagnosed, I wanted that people understand I was the same person I was before the breast, and I had even their friendship and to hear about their life. for when friends called and asked how I was, I would say, "I am grand.Comment are you?"."What have you been up to?"

I think that this response done two things: firstly, it relaxed the appellant since they expect, fearing perhaps hear my surgery, chemos, nausea, gory details etc., when they do not have them is not fear as to call me at new.Secondly, with regard to the conversation I was therapeutic for me if only for the duration of our conversation has helped this technique concentrate on someone other than me.I could do enough to think about me when I was seul.Et, are due to because they are flooding the with details, they gave me positive feedback.

"Seem you too happy"or"you sound you're doing great," they would say. their comments have helped me to create a positive, self-reinforcing thinking than myself: if everyone thought I was doing great, so I have to être.Et you know what? I was .j ' have been much better achieved cancer patient chest I knew which focused on themselves, concerned to each thing shortly, fear the worst and expressed to everyone they knew.

John Lennon and Paul McCartney were right: "I get with a little help from my friends".

Nuts peuvent fight against breast cancer.

© Brenda Coffee.  All rights reserved.

We have all heard the expression ""an Apple a day is the doctor," but did you nuts can also contribute to the fight against the breast? A recent study on mice, presented at the April 2009 American Association for Cancer Research 100th annual meeting, found that by adding the human equivalent of two ounces of walnuts for their daily food, impact and tumors in mice breast size was greatly reduced."

A reason for this reduction of growth of the tumor may be due to the fact that the nuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids: antioxidants and phytosterols. Phytosterols are binding to the estrogen receptor.Since many breast cancers are positive estrogen, which means that they are powered by estrogen, it is estimated that phytosterols in nuts may slow the growth of estrogen-related breast cancer .Tandis researchers emphasize there have been no specific studies on the effects of the nuts on the human breast we know a healthy diet of fruit, vegetables, grains, seeds and nuts may prevent many cancers, diabetes and heart disease.Thus, instead of reaching for the potato chips and cookies when you want a snack, how a handful of nuts?

Each afternoon I go outside with my dogs, Sam and Goldie and soak sunlight - dealt paraben-free sunscreen - and have an Apple and a handful of nuts when that time my mother tongue is hard at work, try to dislodge the last vestige little nut sandwiched between my teeth arrière.Pardon me while I reach for the Floss.

The constipation and breast cancer.

© Brenda Coffee.  All rights reserved.

It seems that Oprah and Dr. Oz made acceptable to talk openly about the stool, or the absence thereof, so... here... is going to will talk about caca.

For cancer patients and anyone interested in staying healthy or reduce their risk of recidivism, maintaining a healthy immune system is first importance.Le immune system is one of the means of our body bat, disease, cold and the flu. by keeping your conjure moving on a daily basis is one of the best ways to have a healthy immune system to rid your body of toxins.However, if you are constipated, it is more difficult for your immune system to do its work.

Have you ever noticed that after a meal of beef and potato, you become lethargic, same sleeping? it is because your body has do additional work to digest and treat this as unlikely that steak will be always with you days, even weeks after your small intestine absorbs nutrients and passes then other waste lourd.Plus meal hardware to your colon for their elimination final. If the waste is allowed to stay in your colon for long periods of time it will literally rot! this is not the way to protect your body from harmful bacteria.One way to tell how long your food has been in your colon is by how often you poop: more you faster food poop browses your colon and becoming the strongest will be your immune system.

Sometimes the cancer therapy, stress, medications, surgery, change of regime, lack of water and reduced mobility can cause severe constipation.Chemotherapy overstates the constipation and diarrhea, regardless of the condition you are naturally prone to a. not to wait until you are constipated or have diarrhea to more than one day to take action. My doctor suggested over-the-counter medicines or an enema bag filled equally warm milk and MELASSE.La repair it worked immediately.If you cannot resolve constipation on yourself, you could wound up in the emergency room where they can have to manually dig stool affected your anus.Je do not see what either more embarrassing, but obviously it is not a rare event.

Now let's talk be proactive and remain regular
.In addition to drink, prune juice and eat lots of fibre, immediately after I home each chemotherapy, I took a laxative for constipation and each day until that I had a bowel movement.After my system worked on his own without drugs.

Good nutrition plays an essential role in the maintenance of your immune system and your stool in good optical in the form of fruit and vegetables, bread, whole grain and rice, oats, crushed wheat, with lots of water and exercise, digéré food aid marche.Fibre move through the your colon and out of your corps.En also that you can consider drinking one of these drinks probiotic dairy balance all bacteria, good and bad, in your digestive system .i think they sensationnel.Une a day makes me regular as clockwork. (who is probably more you want to know about me).

Peuvent tomatoes kill cancer?

© Brenda Coffee.  All rights reserved.

Tube test studies have shown that cancer cells can develop into a high alkaline environment, but grow in excess acid .afin understand what this means, we must first understand the difference between alkaline and acid.

Don't forget these bands little sunflower in chemistry from the lycée designed to teach us to pH paper?In technical terms, we were measuring the number of hydrogen ions in a given solution, whether it was to discover if it was alkaline or acidic gasoline, or orange juice.Pure water is alkaline or acide.Il is neutral and measures a 7.0, right in the middle of the zero 14.Solutions with a pH 7 pH scale are acids, and those with a pH greater than 7 alkaline. then, how can we use this information to reduce the risk of cancer growth and prosperous in our body?

These past years, a theory of the alkaline diet has developed as a means to prevent or slow the growth of the cancer.This scheme advocates believe that eating foods with a high pH is alkaline - like tomatoes, spinach, cucumber and celery, among others - makes our body less welcoming to cancer cells.We do know that high diets low in fat, fibre make us more risk of certain cancers, but we can change our levels of pH sufficiently to prevent cancer?

Brigham & hospital, an affiliate of said Harvard Medical School, teaching the alkaline diet does not work because our bodies carefully governs our pH levels and does not change significantly, levels for a considerable amount of time to kill cancer.In other words if our pH is outside of the range of normal health of 7.45 7.35 our body automatically corrects itself make our pH levels, return to the other critical normale.Une of alkaline diets is that they exclude many food groups that provide us beneficial anti-cancer properties.

I am not a scientist does not change your diet based on what I wrote, pro or against, but in theory, the alkaline diet is an interesting concept in méditer.Malheureusement presentation on diet and cancer is a three dimensional puzzle which cannot be assembled in a tube to test, much less than 500 words or moins.ainsi for now we are going to keep reading study and eat the more balanced scheme we can.

Breast cancer, are in denial?

The other day , I met a woman whose mother, sister and aunt had all been diagnosed with cancer of the breast.When I asked if she had taken the genetic test, would he say if she had inherited the gene that could make him a candidate for the breast cancer she says, "." I'll just to leave it to God... "More I eat healthy."Good afternoon!! It's a woman who has clearly not gene survival.

It is always shocking to me that it has no desire to know that if it is higher of a breast cancer risk, perhaps I should say the prevention of breast cancer or from the gene to his daughter.Knowledge is power small friends. Oh that I would have given having this knowledge before I was diagnosed with cancer of the breast.He had four years after my diagnosis of breast cancer when I discovered I made one of the breast cancer genes; I have no hesitation a thousandth of a second to say "take other chest now!"My decision to make a preventive mastectomy has been proactive in my fight against breast cancer, and it was empowering.This mastectomy was on my term, not the breast.

Even if it is not a history of breast cancer in your family (I_had_no_family_history_but_I_carried_the_BRAC2_gene) Please consider getting a BracAnalysis to see if you carry the BRCA1 and gene BRCA2.This is simple: a simple blood test.Most schemes health insurance pay for génétiques.Il tests can save your life or the life of someone you aimez.Ne're not one of those women who have the "hear without ill, see no evil, a lot of talk about" gene. of intelligent: stop breast cancer before it starts.For more information, go to Myriad laboratories genetic,

If you get a mammogram?

© Brenda Coffee.  All rights reserved.

If you have not heard talk of mammography controversy last week, you've probably been living under a rock.
November 16, 2009, I saw in horror as Brian Williams, anchor of NBC new nightly, polled m. Susan Love, the more important from an expert on the breast.M. Love, a surgeon of breast, clinical UCLA professor and founder of the Foundation Dr. Susan Love made echo to preventive American workgroup the new directives of mammography, saying that raising the age of 50 for women to start getting mammograms "" would bring us standards world. ""She said, "(new) guidelines are in line with what everyone in the world is doing now - where they have government run programs from screening."

Think about this déclaration.américains have always been said that we have the best health care in the world. do you want really your mammography "online" instructions with countries that have socialized - Government run medicine - as Canada (they come to the U.s. for the proper and timely health care), Britain and France? You want a program such as Cuba's health care?

M. Love said that women over 50 years have breasts more dense than women under 50 and denser than harder to read, which means that certain tumours are completely missed mammograms breasts.I agree, mammograms may not be the best tool to find cancer of the breast, but for these women, less than 50 who find their tumors with a mammography, they are all.

M. Love also admitted that the raising of the age mammograms women get could be rationing, "but it is rationing like better and saving money to find something that works.". What are the chances that it will be a "Silver" or record it will go to the search for "something?" that worksWords "Government" and "saved money" is not exactly go together. this week, two respected oncologists, a radiologist and a representative of the American Cancer Society has told me new mammography guidelines are US Government so ready for fewer services, if the Obama health policy is transmitted.

In addition, Government group says doctors should stop teaching women to do self breast examinations.It is frightening.I know too many women including me, who find their breast cancer while doing a self-examination.

I am indignant guidelines of the preventive US workgroup.Troubleshooting Group that they prevent is early diagnosis.Naturally, mammograms are not perfect detection, but until develop us something better, get your mammograms tool; talk to your doctor and listen to your "small voice" registered .Mine my vie.Même if you have doubts about the new guidelines, take things in person to your breasts. regular self-examens.Sans one breast self-exam, I would be dead, now.


Brenda Ramborella ™ coffee. All rights reserved.

Twenty years ago a friend has designed a splash screen much for my computer. He brandished "Ramborella" on a pink background hot as something of a female version of Indiana Jones. When I asked him what he meant, he said I was Rambo and Barbarella - adventurous and sexy party - a nod to my days as the first journalist to pilot and army, M-1 tank fire landing on an aircraft carrier, down in a nuclear submarine, and succumb almost like the "desaparecidos", thousands who went missing each year in the hands of the Honduran military commandos.  Although I no longer look like Barbarella, , I always am Ramborella to heart.Except now, I am a breast cancer survivor, and as a survivor my mission is to continue to live and to lead the charge comme me, everyone here is Ramborella, Warrior of breast cancer.

While the cameras and computers are always the tools of my trade, My interests have changed.Instead of stylish metal and rivets, I concentrate on lots of sleep, whole fruit and vegetables, a low speed grain bold, light red meat, alcohol, and sugar, as well as much vitamin D, estrogen blockers and exercise. biggest cannons in my war against breast cancer are my faith in God, a husband magnet, a sense of humor and determination steel.

Like me, your mission is to continue to live, so we will make a Pact, you and iWhenever we are tempted to hole as a grand old door and do nothing but eat Oreos and cream ice and renounce this intense walk, we will retain that Rambo had not survived by taking the easy way.He fought up to what he was cleared of resistance, then lifted and charged with new may Ramborella survécu jungles of Honduras in height in this fight against breast cancer.

Emily Dickinson said "that it will never come again is what makes life so sweet".the type with two hands If you know it or not, you are entitled to an innate strength and courage.You have lives to lead, children to feed, Maris sunsets and love to watch. collect your Ramborella courage and fees, load to new.

James is my rock.

© Brenda Coffee. All rights reserved.

Sometimes, I need someone to talk to me in the retrofit.You know, those situations where you're convinced a simple medical procedure will turn something fatale.Dans my house we ask that something "jointed to connect cancer". when I ignore all known and relevant information and choose to believe that an ingrown foot is proof my elbow cancer.

Can I get so far in this way, I begin to think about potential candidates to be next woman of James, or that we shouldn't ' t build a new House because if I "go" before James, it would be rather live on the farm in the small house, as opposed to that live in a large home again with the small house as the invited casita, because if it y alone, it would be rather live in the small house but rather would sell all and start over with something more small.A I lose you? This is an example of needing someone to talk to me out of the threshold and help me see things from a perspective different. Furthermore, I do do it my own. health problems tell me March is on a collision with the Earth path or the daughter back into marketing promised to deliver widgets of 1 000 per month when we can produce only 100, and I'll quietly assimilate data, and find a way to resolve the problem.

Each of us can involve thus personally for some reason we can't find our way to the maze and need someone point it out. for me, this person is James.It allows me to reconnect points and return track and for him, this person is me.While we are quite able to be masters of our own ships, we do not fear next and let others take the wheel when we need a hand.

Successful people are often successful because they see things how they are, not how they would like them to be or the way in which they used to be, but the way things are vraiment.puis, successful people base their decisions on this reality, not the hanging out of the seuil.Lorsque I don't knee cancer, I think I'm a glass successfully half full person who knows how to watch the presentation.

In other words sometimes you bug and sometimes you're windscreen.Today, you can be the person who needs to be rescued from the threshold, and the next day, you could be the rescuer.

Breast dirty little secret of cancer

©Network of survival, Media LLC.  All rights reserved.

Did you that almost 25 per cent of the Mari people leave their spouses after they have received a diagnosis of breast cancer?Statistics say that many of these marriages are in difficulty, initially, although when the roles are reversed, only three percent of women leave their makes me mari.Il me request what part of "in sickness and in health" men step mindful?

I know of a man who left his wife after his diagnosis.Not only does is that it abandons her, he left their son aged 10 years and 13-year-old daughter to become a granting of primary care. What kind of man made their mother ?What kind of message is that he sends his son? An other breast I know husband was that therefore any chemotherapy of his wife during it actually him take an aspirin and "snap to it.."

OK, for most men were raised is not be caregivers,
or they want their wives, mothers to take care of them and the small friends.In addition, they may be afraid to acknowledge their mortality and yours, and they may be afraid of how breast cancer will affect their life sexuelle.Notez I said "their" sexual life.

More boys dream of becoming the hero: men who make people from burning buildings or record a buddy in a guerre.Pour area most of us heroes are ordinary people that escalation in times of crisis and do what is good for their family. under the breast cancer caregivers, men have to wade through the smoke and fire or dodge enemy bullets. However, it is an opportunity for them to become a hero; help not only to a stranger in need, but the person that they have promised before God to be responsible to death to make party - their wife.

Men... you would like to be a hero?Then perform is not about you. is about getting your wife and the family in this crisis with love, support and optimism .If they can count on you who can?Don't become one of these statistics that leaving wife them and think that they can find another woman and become his hero, because you can't pas.Il is vous.Et if it sounds as I am hard on some of... get you it.

I believe that most husbands are good to show and tell their special wives how they are; how much they are appreciated and adorés. Caring for her even if she has a breast cancer is a chance to show your love of ways to your family, and it will not ever forget.You are the intangible support strengthens its immune system, its hopes and allows him to one day to the other .in some cases, you can make the difference between life and death literal.

No one says that it will be easy, but you have given your family, and those around you a role model, they meet and take forever.Your strength, mountainous inheritance if you feel strong or not, will show them how to deal with other difficult times, they will certainly face. you will be a héros.Un Angel without wings.

How to survive the treatment of breast cancer to

© Brenda Coffee. All rights reserved.

The best gift I have for Christmas was the secret recipe of a famous chef cakes of crab.Whenever I am in this part of the country that I visit his restaurant and order of crab cakes and if it is, try each turn in the book to get him to share his recette.Récemment, my friend Joan, who is regularly and which has much more influence than I succeeded to get it for me.

The "secret" recipe has written on a small card and wrapped in a towel flat with an ordinary crab cake recipe printed on the front hand.I was so excited you would have thought that she had given me the secret to the universe or the remedy against the cancer. Funny how something small like a recipe may feel like such a big deal.

Joan gift want me to give a gift to all of you is- the gift of survival: a recipe that helped me get through the treatment of cancer of the sein.Il consists of ingredients, even the best doctors sometimes fail to speak to their patients. label recipe for Brenda, this for "How to Survive Breast Cancer Treatment."

An authentic heaping dose
• Combined with a second opinion if desired.
• Look in obtaining of genetic testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2.Add the results to existing mix.
• Take written list of questions to the each médecin.écriture appointment or all recording responses, or take someone who will do it for you. seeking to keep until you understand .Adjust until that shape matters more.Repeat and repeat until the treatment is over... and beyond.
• Fulfil all the requirements of the same pharmacy.When you are ready to take medication, to write and time taken then those are due.
• E slightly after each anti-even if not necessary nausea meds chimiothérapie.prendre .
Flour • Remove white, rice, pasta, sugar, soft drinks and alcohol. replace with whole grains, fruits, veges, 1000 IU of vitamin D and drink plenty of water.
• Reduce fear and worry to manageable. finds a group of soutien.Allez often.
• Stop cutting cuticles, flossing of teeth, gently brush teeth and remain crowds in chemotherapy is over. Add laxatives for 3 or 4 days immediately after each chemotherapy .Add the drops ocular and moisturizing nécessaire.Si where the gums or skin break, disinfect immediately.
• Check souvent.Si on 100.5 temperature degrees, have respiratory problems, frequency or burning when urinating, bleeding or bruising, call your doctor.
Slather • generously with screen free solar paraben, then sit in the Sun every day for 15 minutes.
• Add generous helping of the sense of humor to the brain of chemotherapy. Top with no energy.
• Listen to your "small voice".
Season • liberally with meditation or hypnosis. add some generous exercise daily.
• In the meantime, are not major, decisions until the processing is performed.
• Give you enough time to recover and not overdo.
• Sprinkle with faith more and be grateful for the rest of your life.

Serve with love, courage, patience, determination and blessings of God everything.

The breast is scene now

Since the second hear us "you have a cancer of the breast, ' we are beginning to talk in terms of cancer stage us have.
" "Steps are assigned depending on the size of the primary tumor, lymph node involvement and whether your cancer has spread, but what happens if we consider another step?Directed by now? "Having a life" versus "cancer."

Too we leave our survival mindset be determined by the phase of our cancer, even if many of us know that prove 'step' case is not always an accurate predictor of survival.Take Lance Armstrong who, in 1996, was cancer testicular diagnosed with stage IV which had earned his lungs, abdomen and brain. its doctors him less than a percentage of 3 chance of survival, and we all know verse and chapter of this story! if Lance Armstrong had adopted the chance his doctor gave him, it is quite possible that it would not have survived.

Lance Armstrong has crossed the ravaging treatment protocols rather prescribed by his doctors, and three years later has not only won perhaps the most grueling sporting event in the world: the tour de France - but beat its nearest competitor in 7 minutes 37 seconds. now is someone with scene now! Has a life to lead, bikes to ride, new and different objectives to achieve.Not only there refuse to become a statistic, victory paved the way for all those who come after him to seek and to survive.His life is one of courage and determination and her mother said, "make every obstacle" an opportunity.

And my sisters, the you are therefore directed now .Qu ' will you do with it?You are going to sit in the fear of death are(we all do from time to time )or you'll live the best you can?

I challenge to make you a list of things that you've always wanted to do but were afraid to try, or were going to "one day".Parasailing, learn to play guitar, excuse someone have wronged you, learn to dance, visit another country. create a list, and do, o not by a You've already done the hard share if you can access with a breast cancer, you can do anything!

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Women and facial hair

Y transferee or estrogen weight gain?

Breast Cancer Pink Ribbon
As we age many women due to our high in fat, oversized material weight gain servings, conservative support, lack of exercise, lifestyle American menopausal. Therefore, excess weight around waist female often results in estrogen excess body. If you're like me and you "of a certain age" and the breast cancer has been positive estrogen, is not good news because estrogen populates your cancer. We must therefore reduce our weight and avoid products and foods that contain any estrogen or convert estrogen-like compounds in our body.

Other than hormone replacement therapy is one of the largest sources of estrogen soybeans.I know that we have all heard the soybean is an inhibitor of breast cancer, but it is a complex issue and one that is fraught with controversy.Regardless, once you have been diagnosed with cancer, positive estrogen breast soybeans is at the top of the list of things you want to avoid. Stay away from products high in soy as well as estrogen-like substances called isoflavones, pesticides and herbicides in fruit and vegetables, hormones in meat and dairy products, as well as canola, corn and safflower oils. Products containing soy and parahydroxybenzoates, skin and body care that convert the estrogen in the body, should also be avoided, but it is a subject we save for another day. Estrogen, soya and parahydroxybenzoates...Talk about a worms of may! then what? what eat us?

If you have been diagnosed with positive breast cancer or are menopausal estrogen , and that without notice Tower in Waxahachie, Werewolf the plot thickens. to keep my breast cancer from recurring, my doctor wants avoid me all forms of estrogen, including estrogen creams, patches and the estrogen-containing foods more I take Arimidex, keeps my body to the estrogens in the first place. tells me if stand you too close to me you can hear actually estrogen is sucked out of my body or... maybe... of heart palpitations due to my lack of estrogen .you can ask "what bioidentical hormones?" that even once, we save for another day.In both cases, the small friends, I mean your pain.

There is however some good news about what we can do to reduce the excess estrogen friend .Mon, Director of nutrition at the fabulous Lisa Powell, Canyon Ranch resort and spa in Tucson, Arizona, is not only an expert on integrative nutrition, as well as preventive nutrition and well-being, but she is a survivor of the sein. Un cancer couple years, I had the pleasure of hearing the Lisa to speak to a group of survivors. in addition to avoid with soy products, Lisa gave us a few basic rules for the management of our weight and reduce our risk of reoffending.

1 Be as lean as possible in normal weight, but not skinny.
2 Be physically active every day, walking 30 minutes, six days a week.
3 Limit sugar, processed foods and fast foods.
4 Eat a diet mainly of plant origin, including small fruits, nuts and seeds.
5 Limit beef red and processed meat.
6 Limit alcohol consumption.

Issues surrounding breast cancer and estrogen are indeed complexes.Maintenant that half of all medical students are women, I hope that more attention will be given to the cause and effects surrounding the interval femmes.Dans health problems do your best to control your weight, exercise regularly and avoid soja.Vous can also get one of these stickers bumper that warns people, "I am the estrogen, and I have a gun".

What I Going bald, more?

©Network of survival, Media LLC. All rights reserved.

Breast Cancer Pink Ribbon
One of the favorite activities of my mother to say is, "you have no idea what he looks like age."I am always surprised how it manages to say with a face of straight lines, ignoring that she gave birth to me when Howdy Doody was at the peak of his career, or that it will be well until I am eligible for senior, calling discounts and more attention on the fact that I know what it looks like the age.

"Wait until you go into a room and that you do not remember why you then it first,"continue"" and knees injured when you get a Chair and start to lose your hair ".".

"Summer he," I want to say. "" "".Side effects of chemotherapy, salaries "but given that the mother has dementia and confused search when I mention who have had breast cancer, I leave my comments are worst tacite.Le is all harbingers of ageing mother still apply to me even though my last chemotherapy ended five years ago! In fact that the worse is that I'm losing my hair once again and I am not alone.

Many women have problems with hair thinning.That causes could have thyroid problems taking chemotherapy, or perhaps these women are post menopausal specified are perhaps of breast cancer survivors who take the aromatase inhibitors to stop their production of estrogens and maintain cancer at Bay.The latter applies to me, and I feel that everyone, including the plumber, discovered my condition.

A few weeks ago he drew something our shower drain that looked like a rat limp, damp. "Wow", said the plumber. ".""It seems that you lose your hair."

Thanks for the reminder, the pal. maybe I should try to get a wig or do you think that anyone could find strange if I started to wear ... hats or is a woodchuck?

We Are Not surviving cancer, cancer victims

©Network of survival, Media LLC. All rights reserved.

Recently someone referred to me as a breast cancer victim , how I've almost came unglued. In some measure our society and 24/7 personal and close media wants color anyone who already had a tragedy in their lives with the color of the victime.alors that I have had my share of tragedy I have never been victim and does not intend to start now, and if you read this, that I am virtually certain that you feel the same way.

I think victims, who are found murdered in corridors or stole their identity and by thugs looking for a quick money social security numbers, because. survivors are those of us who have heard the words "you have cancer" and continue to move forward.Persevere us even in the face of what may be dead certain of our cancer. we continue to survive, day after day .it ' is what we survive. faisons.NousWe can also be mothers, fathers, accountants and film stars, but we first of survivors.

When most of the world think of survivors of cancer, they think probably Lance Armstrong, no doubt, the surviving cancer, most of us wishing fate. when I think of cancer survivors, I think my friend Susan Pollack. We met when she volunteered to have Sandy Linter artist legendary makeup and cosmetics Lancôme give a modernization for some "self-image" on the videos.

Since then, I learned Susan Pollack is an extraordinary woman who has a calm inner strength, unwavering determination, deep love of family and friends, an educator of compassion for the other survivors and sense humor that began as a modernisation for my site has inspired Sandy Linter désarmant. and its legion of fans, fabulous Diamond Kerry and cosmetics Lancôme, team along with women that I hear from that show Sandy and videos of modernisation of Susan on the Did I mention Sue Pollack has been diagnosed with cancer of the breast, 27 years ago and has been living with metastasis to the OS from more than 14 years?Fourteen!I am speechless! my opinion Sue Pollack is proof of the prayers of answers.

When it has been diagnosed first daughter is four years old and Sue prayed it would live to see him grow up or at least to grow a little more anciens.Prières Sue Pollack replied, and for 13 years, she was free of cancer. of her breast cancer is returned, instead of thinking of it as a death knell, Sue decided to continue to be there for his family and to itself.She modestly says, "I just chose to live a life."What it does say, is that she did without hair and eyebrows, but with lymphedema all the headache and pain and other outrages which accompany chemotherapy, or she volunteers to SHARE, resource a survivors in New York, who advises and supports cancer of the breast and ovarian cancer survivors.

For 14 years Sue Pollack has gotten continuously chemotherapy.As a chemotherapy became inefficient, his doctor gave her another one and other. for those of you who have never had chemotherapy, you cannot begin to imagine what that special woman has endured.Sue Pollack is a source of inspiration for partout.Elle breast cancer survivors is my inspiration.Elle is the model of face on and the role of each woman who has already had a cancer of the breast.She defied opportunities beyond the wildest expectations of quiconque.À well respects, it is like Lance Armstrong: stage IV cancer survivor many of us wants to become.

I am sure that Susan Pollack name is engraved in the book of God of remarkable survivors ranging from survivors of the Holocaust, battlefields with intrepid soldiers, or families who have endured suffering and the loss. call Susan Pollack courageous and brave, but please, do not call him a victim.

Foods with a mother and a face

© Brenda Coffee. All rights reserved.

For most of my life that I preferred to eat things without a face or a mother, while my husband eats food Brown and white like steak, milk, hamburgers and glacée.Oh cream and let's not forget his coffee and chocolate. dinner in our House usually consists of two meals distinct. While my plate is piled high with grains of rice, Brown, black, lightly roasted vegetables, and Whole Foods - my favorite seduction bread: my husband plate consists of a piece of meat, the coherence of the old shoe leather and perhaps blackened a spoonful of rice and beans.If I suggest that he try some of my vegetables and salad, he looks at me as I asked eating tree bark and rutabaga and often said, "that are you? A Communist?"No, and I am not a vegan or vegetarian, either.

Although my life plan does not prevent me to have a breast cancer, I hope that it will be a powerful ally in my quest to reduce the risk of récidive.La research shows that 30 to 50% of cancers are related to nutrition, either nutrition (excess calories, fat or protein), undernourished or more (too few calories, vitamins and minerals). for this discussion that I'm focusing only on red meat, registration of other by-products food with a facial or a mother as milk, butter and cream ice for another day.

Studies have shown the red meat is associated with an increase in overall mortality, as well as the cancer and cardiovascular problems among men and women.Red meat is rich in protein, we all need, but it is also rich in fat, saturated, associated to the breast and colorectal cancer, most it increases cholesterol.In addition, the process of cooking meat generates compounds carcinogenic. red meat may contain also added hormones of growth, which may be linked to the increasing incidence of hormone-receptor breast.

Study A Harvard Medical School suggested eating more than 100 g, or about a quarter of red meat a day book, could double the risk of a woman of developing cancer of the breast.This risk has been associated with women who had lived not ménopause.Si a lifetime exposure estrogen affect a woman to breast cancer risk, it may be years of eating meat with growth hormones can react the same way. according to another study, published by the American Cancer Society, people who eat 3 ounces or more than meat red per day, equivalent to the amount of meat in a hamburger, are 30 to 40% more likely to develop cancer in the lower bowel.Red meat remains in your colon longer than beans, vegetables, nuts and seeds, and one of the best ways to have a healthy immune system is keeping your conjure moving on a daily basis.

Each day agree on another link for breast cancer.Many of these factors, such as family history, are outside of our control, but If there is anything we can do for our risks, why do go us for it?If you have completed a juicy cheeseburger, worry pas.Au instead, think about how many times per week you eat red meat and look for alternatives such as chicken, fish, beans, or nuts.

Intellectually, I understand the ancestry thing any meat-eater, but with my love for the walnuts, sometimes I wonder if I am descended from an unknown species related to birds and squirrels.By the way, American meat Institute, do consider even taking an Oprah continued on me a.m. ' invite to dinner at Chris's Ruth main beef tenderloin and I will take my towel themselves are held until you still seated.

When mothers and daughters role reverse

When I was 12, my father died of cancer.People has not speak openly cancer then except sometimes whispering the word "C" and certainly not in front of the child.

While I knew that my father was ill, nobody ever told me what was not with him, or why he was in hospital for long periods of time.In fact, I have visited never even him, nor has never question imaginé.Pendant the time he was at home, I've rarely allowed in his room and then for only short periods of time where I sitting on the edge of the bed, and we have done papotage, as foreigners.

The day that his death , I was in my lesson of piano.I remember my professor of piano twist in the phone and say, "" does not inquiéter.Elle can stay here too long you need. ""Of course I knew it was the mother, the call to tell my father had died, but once more, nobody does me has nothing. Several hours later, as I have sat on the seat back, mother and a neighbor drove me home as they spoke in quiet shorthand.

After he was buried, and friends and parents had gone home, mother role contrepassée.Elle became the girl and I became a mother. Almost immediately, it is in his room, shades drawn, obtaining rarely dressed or come to his room, a zombie zonked out of grief and Valium.I was one who went to the grocery store small amounts of money in her purse, riding my bike Blue down the street, beyond the Bank bowling alley buy only enough food to keep wireless small basket. from my bike

I Belgian hardware, purchased for doors, used chain locks the drilling of my father, as I had seen it and installed locks because the mother had fear.I did as the boy down the lawn; snuffed Street I babysat for torque on the corner to earn extra money and continued to get right AC ' is up to periodically, mother would out of her bedroom and arbitrarily decided to parent myself, knowing that anything in my life, how I was doing or that I was a large child.

My year of high school I had acquired 20 pounds and has not some of my classes.
Anyway, I was able to obtain two college scholarships, but the city has accepted and lived at because it is necessary to mother me.After the first half of my year freshman, I have renounced renounced to my scholarships, got a job and a small apartment: the only way that I knew to get away from her.

Except for the six months, I went to chemotherapy, our roles have remained the same.However, in recent months, it sent me books on prayer, press clippings, and tape it heard on Dieu.Elle was enlightening and solidarity, urging see me myself surrounded by light, set, perfect God and healed.It has same Decree sign their cards with the "Mother" quotes and simply signed their love Word maman, level of some, she knew it was mothering me, not the reverse. as soon as I finish chemotherapy, she resumed her too familiar signature "Mother" and If I mention who have had breast cancer, she looks me as I speak Swahili.

Mother is NEEDY, in ways I never was able to right for it, and that the parent in our relationship, I sometimes feel as I've failed her.It ruins each family collection, updated in the table goes too far to fly home because it is not the focus of attention or got feelings hurt about one thing or another.She has ever wanted to know about my life, interrupt me in mid sentence with "I thought that we would go for lunch, tea salon" that I try to tell her something of major importance to me in recent years, I was able to blame his dementia for its lack of interest for me last week I tried again, to say about my site and my Blog and all the wonderful women and families, I meet across in the monde.Elle has paused for a second and watched me, then said, "" salad here is not as good that it used to be. "."

Therefore, I will continue to be the mother, this week by moving its nearest me as it retreats far more in his universe of dementia. thank God has given us these six months and the hope that she enjoyed being the mother as much as I loved having a. Perhaps one of the reasons my ministers families of breast cancer site is as painful as it is, I do want other kids to be in the dark about their parent cancer; I do not adult to stop speaking when their children enter the room.

Our children learn more about what our House we could ever imagine, but they are not quite ripe know how to put things in their prospects good .Regardless of the situation we find ourselves, we must find ways to talk to our children. There are some cases, children may not be comfortable discuss their feelings with us, or they may try to route "tuff kid", but if we, or they, are having trouble face, what, we must find a Minister or an advisor who will listen to all members of our family and help us to work through it. that we do, we will not sitting on the edge of the bed and simply papotage.