Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Vitamin D and Breast Cancer Controversy

© Brenda Coffee.  All rights reserved.

Did you know that the main purpose of vitamin D is to maintain required calcium to keep our segments strong? or did you know vitamin D peuvent or can't, have a relationship to the breast?For women with and without breast cancer, the controversy of vitamin D is a énigme.Nous we need more information.

To begin, in a 2008 study reported by the American Cancer Institute, women with the lowest of vitamin D in their diagnosis of cancer of the breast, levels had almost double the risk of their disease progresses, compared to women with "adequate" level of vitamin d. fait that means women without breast cancer, who are interested in preventing a metastasis (should they ever get breast cancer), take vitamin D and if yes, how?

Secondly, the same study said the survival rate of women with estrogen receptor negative breast cancer, which is generally more aggressive, was not related to their vitamin D levels. Other scientists are quick to say that, although there are many published on vitamin D and its relationship with the breast cancer research, the findings are debatable.

While this study means for women who have or have not breast cancer? Many doctors ask patients if they take calcium and vitamin D, but none of your physicians have never ordered a blood test to check your level of vitamin D?What are "adequate" levels of vitamin D? Most doctors even know how much?

Here's what we know about vitamin D and breast cancer: If you take aromatase inhibitors, such as Arimidex, it is particularly important to get enough calcium and vitamin D .As stated in my oncologist, calcium works in tandem with vitamin D to prevent our OS "turn to mush."It is also important to bear in mind that too much vitamin D may be harmful, nausea, vomiting, constipation, weaknesses and causing heart rate changes.If you are over 50 years, the Mayo Clinic recommends you take IU of 400 to 600 per day, and in General, the upper limit of the vitamin D is of 2 000 IU per day.

Vitamin D in the form of pills, small amounts of vitamin D are naturally present in oily fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel, as well as certain cereals, orange juice and milk products are enriched in vitamin D therefore .for, be a smart buyer.Check labels and if you can achieve for products with added vitamin d

We know also the Sun is a natural way that our bodies to make its own d vitamine.Si, however, you do one of gene BRCA, too Sun may increase your risk of melanoma and other cancers of the peau.Même if you are not positive BRCA, long-term exposure to UV radiation can cause skin cancer, more aging. I do not expose to the Sun, as a lazy big ole lizard and justify saying, "I get my vitamin d."If you are on a sunny or cloudy day, use a sunscreen and re-apply it often.

Then there is the debate on the beds against natural light where it all stop sun tanning. ?

Find your new place

© Brenda Coffee.  All rights reserved.

Do you ever that the need to focus on something other than breast cancer , or perhaps the need to leave, even if it is somewhere imaginary? Through chemotherapy my lack of energy taken a trip to feel like a trip to another Department and chemotherapy activated brain reading cuisine in an Olympic sport. Accordingly, I have spent much time in bed or in front of the TV, watching the cooking shows and the young and the Restless, pending my energy back.Soon, I discovered new methods have mini vacation without going anywhere, destinations that help me find a strong sense of inner peace and let go of things which I have no contrôle.Une of these destinations is on the porch to the small house daybed.

Each week, I try and time, talking to God, listen to a meditation or a CD of hypnosis, or imagine me on my favorite Maya ruin that ignores the e.d. Caribbean ' other times as I leaf through magazines, Polish my toes, or simply watching squirrels scamper a member to a member.Simply being y time Zen me part of breast cancer has pushed side: the part that allows me to squash my obsessive-compulsion worrywart and makes it easier to breathe.

When the morning breeze stops and retirement squirrels imminent heat, I travel account of my flight time is absent.Comme squirrels, I find a cooling place to wait until the next time I can view my place of healing. tell me on your place of healing, or how let go you of your worries and peur.Si you have a place of healing, how will you find a?

# 8 Breast cancer surgery

I have my grandma hands

© Brenda Coffee.  All rights reserved.

A few years, Nora Ephron wrote a hilarious book titled Feel Bad about my neck.  His point was that women of a certain age look quite well except for their neck.Botox and Restylane can help us to lie on our faces, but nothing of surgery, and "is not something foutue, you can do on a neck."While I feel sad on my neck, is my hands now that have angered any attempt to conceal my age

Mine are not the same hands had two or even five ans.La skin is thinner, revealing blue veins that resemble road maps: dodues roly poly veins are super highways for nurses draw blood; as long as I can tell, small no longer add tothe appearance ruin a district when nice was délabré falleninto.  If that isn't bad enough, few lines have décapés hatches cross in my skin, make my hands look like walking maps Tic-Tac-Toe

  I don't know why it comes as a surprise my hands now resemble grandmother.  I've never moisturized pampering the or worn rubber gloves when washing Windows or cleaning pots and pans.  Quite the contrary.For years, I worked in the darkroom, sloshing my hands in caustic chemicals while making images appear as per magie.puis, there are contact lenses.I soon discovered hand lotion left Etale and the size of Saturn fingerprints, defeat the purpose of first contact lenses.So... lotion went in the manner of rubber gloves.

But if I am to be honest to the status of my hands, that is probably the lack of estrogen, more than anything which has contributed to their fall.Alors I took to their slathering with moisturizing, without parahydroxybenzoates, and their holding standing for blood flows to my elbows grace temporarily transform superhighways modest country roads, they are what they sont.Ils are my indelible maps: permanent records from which été.Je I can't that their appearance, but they are part of my new normal current.real I can say, roads get bumpier.

Good for your heart, Bad for your breasts

© Brenda Coffee.  All rights reserved.

Did you know that having drink a glass or two each day peut increase your risk of getting breast cancer by up to 51%? Did you also know that this is a not important if you speak of wine, beer or hard alcohol? They pose an increased risk. This is a huge statistics and that nags at me from time to time.This is for a glass of red wine a day because it's good for your heart u.s. ' it may be useful for your heart, it is bad for your breasts .

Since my diagnosis I ask now is there a link between alcohol and recurrence of breast cancer?My intuition says that there is a link, however, experts say not enough is known about alcohol and the breast cancer périodicité.Avant I don't think something with now, then a glass of wine or a couple of gin and invigorating. But now if I drink I wonder, will be one that triggers a recurrence of my breast cancer?

Although my oncologist said any moderation, including moderation, I am not a genre moderate the girl.I am often on one end, or the other, many given Spectra .i go for weeks without even thinking about a drink of alcohol and then, as the last night, have three Cosmopolitans.Hey it's Vegas, baby!Today, I feel terrible, partly because I rarely drink at all, as I have a hangover, and partly because I first drinks.

It seems that everything in life has an association with obtaining of breast cancer: food, water, stress, sleep, Sun, exercise, alcohol, estrogen, phytoestrogens in food and body care products, same-sex, but it of all topics for future Brenda.Presque Blogs about everything that we do in life has risks .Although we cannot avoid risk, we can educate us as to whether we are willing to take them, or completely avoid.

I have probably ask me myself, if I believe there may be a connection between alcohol and a recurrence of the breast, why drinking any if I? Alternatively, I am more react?

Good Knows our needs.

© Brenda Coffee.  All rights reserved.

  I believe that God knows our needs until we do.  Shortly after, I have been diagnosed, I was wondering if God I thought necessary breast cancer.  Would rather have had a sandwich grilled cheese or a good hair day but I thought about it and decided it was not on my duty of breast cancer.It was my relationship with God. Although I speak to God every day, there was something missing, for my part, with our relationship.

  James 4: 8 says, "draws close to God, and God would draw near you.."  I know to be true.  I felt his grace, strength and mercy.  He wants to talk about him, not only to ask for help, but to share our joy and him let know how grateful we are, even for the small things. I don't know how to get people from something like the breast without the love of God and a large church family.I cannot express what their cards and words of encouragement were meant for me .when ' they said that they were praying for me, I knew that they were.  I felt it. 

  A few months ago I was in a store, and somehow, the saleslady and exchanged stories.  I learned that her husband had cancer.Before I left, I asked him his name and said I would pray for her .Quelques days later, I have a sound card.Clearly, it had gone home and shared our conversation, what I wanted to pray for him and he told her that she had met only an Angel.These feelings are always me humble and my eyes with tears.

Everyone around me and James was our anges.Je have not known how the Minister to this woman, or have received this valuable it, card if it had not been for the gifts of love and prayer that came my way, the préalable.Donc I thank each of you for what you have given us, and what I hope somewhat small to you, Dear Sisters and I thank God for this incredible journey.

5 Tips for buying a bra after breast cancer.

Maidenform.  All rights reserved.

The only thing than buying a new pair of jeans worst is to buy a new bra. I remember when my mother took me to a store to buy my first bra. A matronly dough hands and abrupt manner salesclerk asked me to disrobe size, and then went to measure my barely there, prepubescent breasts.If this was not bad enough, my mother hovered in the fitting room door to make comments, as "bad peu.Elle got a figure as a yardstick. she can never become a decent pair of breasts ."

For most of us, breast by buying a new bra continues to be a frustrating experience, especially if we suffered various procedures of cancer. Here are a few things to keep in mind that could purchase a bra somewhat easier post breast cancer:

1 Find a bra professional installer not be embarrassed to see your breasts. bra editors have seen the good, the bad, and the laid, and what you think is bad, will probably save you five stars in your bra software.on installer weekly, BRA assemblers all see: women with three breasts - I know personally a woman with three breasts - for transsexuals who began taking hormones and are there to buy their first "training bra." So If your mastectomy can be a big deal to you, this is not an issue for your Installer.

2. You have made through the processing. you can do anything! Do not give the breast any more of your power has already affirmé.Portez your scars proudly. They have you been stronger. They are your badges of survival. You've browsed through the Valley of the shadow of death and nothing, certainly not to buy a bra, must now you intimidate .

3. No one is more critical of our bodies we are.Some worm e n, same high paid templates and cover girls have body perfect, which is usually what makes good models. They have some feature, slightly out of sync whereby, makes them distinctive.La most of us have a larger chest feet aspect that the inverted nipples, other or nipples that look like landing on a feeder of hummingbird.Combien of us sites have a perfect nose, very or fairly-shaped shell ears? The breasts are the same.No single step into a single body and fixate on elle.Nous are our feet. we are not our breasts .We are all - thinking, loving, compassionate woman and compassion begins at home, so cut yourself a break. a beautiful woman is more "spirit" as the body .

Each year 250,000 women, USA only, are diagnosed with breast cancer, with 2.5 million U.S. survivors.This leads one to seven or eight women in their lives, to receive breast cancer.Granted, we are not other talking about women who buy a bra again 2,749,999, talking about you, but chances are pretty good woman in the following editing room is also a breast cancer survivor.

Buy at least a sexy bra, even if don't have a partner who will be seen and often arms purchase .i can't tell you how many women I see to the gym which bears the same dowdy shapeless, BRA yellow grayish, what they bought five years in the recherche.Même one twenty years might look like a bag of potatoes in a bra that .j ' have a few months after my first mastectomy, I am bought a bra red velvet for Valentine and me it bear each occasion.Se rid of the notion of "record" it for good.Good is every day you are alive, so bear this beautiful bra at the grocery store.

I've dreamed I was free in my bra Maidenform cancer... and I am!