Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I have my grandma hands

© Brenda Coffee.  All rights reserved.

A few years, Nora Ephron wrote a hilarious book titled Feel Bad about my neck.  His point was that women of a certain age look quite well except for their neck.Botox and Restylane can help us to lie on our faces, but nothing of surgery, and "is not something foutue, you can do on a neck."While I feel sad on my neck, is my hands now that have angered any attempt to conceal my age

Mine are not the same hands had two or even five ans.La skin is thinner, revealing blue veins that resemble road maps: dodues roly poly veins are super highways for nurses draw blood; as long as I can tell, small no longer add tothe appearance ruin a district when nice was délabré falleninto.  If that isn't bad enough, few lines have décapés hatches cross in my skin, make my hands look like walking maps Tic-Tac-Toe

  I don't know why it comes as a surprise my hands now resemble grandmother.  I've never moisturized pampering the or worn rubber gloves when washing Windows or cleaning pots and pans.  Quite the contrary.For years, I worked in the darkroom, sloshing my hands in caustic chemicals while making images appear as per magie.puis, there are contact lenses.I soon discovered hand lotion left Etale and the size of Saturn fingerprints, defeat the purpose of first contact lenses.So... lotion went in the manner of rubber gloves.

But if I am to be honest to the status of my hands, that is probably the lack of estrogen, more than anything which has contributed to their fall.Alors I took to their slathering with moisturizing, without parahydroxybenzoates, and their holding standing for blood flows to my elbows grace temporarily transform superhighways modest country roads, they are what they sont.Ils are my indelible maps: permanent records from which été.Je I can't that their appearance, but they are part of my new normal current.real I can say, roads get bumpier.

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