Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Breast dirty little secret of cancer

©Network of survival, Media LLC.  All rights reserved.

Did you that almost 25 per cent of the Mari people leave their spouses after they have received a diagnosis of breast cancer?Statistics say that many of these marriages are in difficulty, initially, although when the roles are reversed, only three percent of women leave their makes me mari.Il me request what part of "in sickness and in health" men step mindful?

I know of a man who left his wife after his diagnosis.Not only does is that it abandons her, he left their son aged 10 years and 13-year-old daughter to become a granting of primary care. What kind of man made their mother ?What kind of message is that he sends his son? An other breast I know husband was that therefore any chemotherapy of his wife during it actually him take an aspirin and "snap to it.."

OK, for most men were raised is not be caregivers,
or they want their wives, mothers to take care of them and the small friends.In addition, they may be afraid to acknowledge their mortality and yours, and they may be afraid of how breast cancer will affect their life sexuelle.Notez I said "their" sexual life.

More boys dream of becoming the hero: men who make people from burning buildings or record a buddy in a guerre.Pour area most of us heroes are ordinary people that escalation in times of crisis and do what is good for their family. under the breast cancer caregivers, men have to wade through the smoke and fire or dodge enemy bullets. However, it is an opportunity for them to become a hero; help not only to a stranger in need, but the person that they have promised before God to be responsible to death to make party - their wife.

Men... you would like to be a hero?Then perform is not about you. is about getting your wife and the family in this crisis with love, support and optimism .If they can count on you who can?Don't become one of these statistics that leaving wife them and think that they can find another woman and become his hero, because you can't pas.Il is vous.Et if it sounds as I am hard on some of... get you it.

I believe that most husbands are good to show and tell their special wives how they are; how much they are appreciated and adorés. Caring for her even if she has a breast cancer is a chance to show your love of ways to your family, and it will not ever forget.You are the intangible support strengthens its immune system, its hopes and allows him to one day to the other .in some cases, you can make the difference between life and death literal.

No one says that it will be easy, but you have given your family, and those around you a role model, they meet and take forever.Your strength, mountainous inheritance if you feel strong or not, will show them how to deal with other difficult times, they will certainly face. you will be a héros.Un Angel without wings.

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