Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Brain Chémo workings

© Brenda Coffee. All rights reserved.

I have sometimeswonder if I am plagued with one of these disorders alphabet as "Toc"or "add" trendywhich are the favorite themes of shows to talk about the matin.Ou perhaps cabling in my brain temporarily short-circuits, causing son of bimbo interfere and ignore the son of common sense.That I personally believe that chemotherapy brain, a result of my eight rounds of chemotherapy for cancer of the sein.Quelle is the underlying cause, foods packaged in neat as Kraft macaroni cardboard boxes to the & cheese, seem to trigger a response that makes me assign them human characteristics.

Most of us have played an inanimate object by pointing out the "shapely legs" of a President, or by calling an old truck collection "a good girl" or "beautiful", , but I developed the anthropomorphism limits one step further: I behave as if the dried pasta has provided sentiments.Cette is usually the case when I open a box of macaroni and pour the contents in the pot. I imagine that unused items pulp glued to the bottom of the box are devastated to being left while their comrades box go to seek their destinies, tumbling and boil together, soon to be a satisfying meals for hungry lunches. sorry for the macaroni left behind me and me pull open the box for free, scraping far leftover glue and cardboard, then pushing them on their centre stage boiling point.

When this happens, I know my husband wonders if I've lost my mind, but I prefer to believe my reasoning capabilities are creative broaden their horizons: the macaroni have been together since they were first extruded giant Kraft pulp machines, then on conveyors to sécher.I see the blue and yellow boxes of Kraft, newly bends and formed, jockeying for position, one after the other, their labels facing the same direction, ready to be filled with newly has macaroni.One by one, cheese packages are added, boxes are sealed and then packed in areas of greatest shipping time course where the macaroni reach my stove, I imagine how disappointed orphans pulp must be stuck down and refused their birthright to be "the cheesiest."

Perhaps I have seen too many boxes of dance the popcorn and colas pending a movie start singing, but I take comfort of the grand architect Louis Kahn, who said 'a brick wants to do something more a brique.Il wants to be a great building'. macaroni wants to be more than just a getting mass glutinous dry.She wants to be an incredible and creamy meal until the last bite.

My husband said bimbos and macaroni have much in common.
He has knowingly smiles as he pats top of my head. "as they want to be more that they are, but their brain is blocked to the bottom of the box."

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