Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Causes of breast cancer, I cannot eat me what?

© Brenda Coffee. All rights reserved.

If there had been a peanut butter, 12-step program a few years ago, I would have found a meeting, plopped myself down in front and said, line "HI.Mon name is Brenda, and I am a peanut-aholic butter." My habit was so bad, my son and my husband could buy their own jars and hide me because that I have broken out at least a large jar per week.No claim to a sandwich for me .j ' he ate spoon after the spoon, directly from the jar when standing on the kitchen counter file.

After my diagnosis of breast cancer I consulted a nutritionist and learned about the various sources of protein and decided there was a chance that I was not a peanut-aholic butter after all.My hearty consumption of peanut butter could be my body of screaming for multiple proteins. so my shame has been lifted!I learned also peanuts were high on the list of foods containing of phytoestrogens and not a good idea if I wanted my risk of reoffending. Because the phytoestrogens are thought to bind estrogen receptors in our body, and because my breast cancer has been fuelled by the estrogen, of I went cold on peanut butter and I am proud to say I did not get a spoonful from. I, however, found gross almond butter.

Unlike the peanut butter, almond butter gross contains no preservatives or added ingredients and less hydrogenated oils, no salted or sugar.Almond butter is full of monounsaturated fats, which are good for your heart and blood sugar control, more more calcium, iron and vitamin E that my "Type A" self comme peanut butter is prepared to do there, I took this a step further and is discovery became a connoisseurs who decided better almond butter gross was English and cannot be bought on the Internet. The problem was, at the time wherever I translated English books in US dollars and VAT and delivery, my weekly fix was a jar of $ 30.A small pot. If this was not enough, bad I recently discovered a new terrible twist to my butter nut saga.

Some phytoestrogenic foods may indeed be protection by linking to our listeners of estrogen, thus blocking estrogen, which looks like a good thing, but no one really knows those who is food good phytoestrogen and which are bad.Oh, but wait... the plot thickens. some experts suggest almonds can be as bad for me than peanuts.That may, or may mean not that they are on the list of phytoestrogen bad, but not knowing not, once again, I spent about a beloved nut butter cold foods

Addictions are things delicate: you start small, only a spoon, or both, and before that you know, you've consumed a pot any less of a semaine.Où it stop? Will I spend addicting things more, and what could be?This is how abusers become thieves, sale of goods stolen to complement their cravings? sometimes I long for the girl who has eaten of jelly and bean sandwiches and peanut butter soup Campbell during the reading of it Nancy Drew.I am really happy that she does not know of groundnut-aholics and phytoestrogens butter.

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